
The 3 Week Diet

Monday, September 5, 2016

Diet for Summer

How To Spring Clean Your Diet For Summer

Research shows that consuming 20g of protein at breakfast helps to control the hormone insulin which regulates fat metabolism in the body. Photo / 123RF

The arrival of spring is a subtle reminder that summer (aka bikini/beach/boardie season) is a mere 3 weeks away.
So if the extra winter kilos have suddenly become apparent it might be time to take action and get your body back into tip top shape for summer.
While exercising is obviously an important element, there are a few simple diet hacks that will help get you back on track.
Science Based Diet

1) Give your breakfast a protein boost

2) Swap a meal

3) Concentrate on meal timing

4) Keep dinner small

5) Count your carbs

THE 3 WEEK DIET is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.THE 3 WEEK DIET is a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight — it promises to help you lose more weight — all body fat — faster than anything else you’ve ever tried.


12-23 pound reduction in body fat
2-4 inches from your waistline
2-3 size drop in dress size
Increased muscle tone
Decreased cellulite
Faster metabolism
Increased energy
Healthier hair & skin
Improved cholesterol levels
And a host of other health benefits

Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Obama has nearly doubled his total in one month With 111 more commutations 

President Obama passed another 111 commutations, adding on to the 214 he issued weeks ago. He has used his clemency power more times than the last ten presidents combined, according to the Department of Justice.

President Obama commuted the sentences of 111 more federal inmates Tuesday, capping a month in which he's nearly doubled the number of commutations granted during his presidency.
The breakneck pace of presidential clemency comes as the Obama White House attempts to get through a backlog of 11,477 cases that were pending as of August 11. In addition to the 325 commutations granted this month, Obama also quietly denied 2,227 cases on August 8.

The commutations — a shortening of a criminal sentence using the president's constitutional pardon power — are part of the Obama administration's two-year old clemency initiative.
As Congress has shortened the sentences for drug crimes, it's also failed to make many of those reduced sentences retroactive — a disparity Obama is trying to correct by through unilaterally action.
About a third of Obama's 673 commutations to date have been for people serving life sentences.
"They are individuals who received unduly harsh sentences under outdated laws for committing largely nonviolent drug crimes, for example, the 35 individuals whose life sentences were commuted today," White House Counsel Neil Eggleston said in a blog post Tuesday. "For each of these applicants, the President considers the individual merits of each application to determine that an applicant is ready to make use of his or her second chance."
Obama vigorously defended his use of commutations at a news conference earlier this month, saying a bipartisan consensus is emerging around reforming unduly harsh drug sentences. But with those efforts stalled on Capitol Hill, he said he needed to act.